Community Pride
February 15th, 2015
Most trips to the mailbox usually disappoint. Like just about everyone else the arrival of bills is kind of a downer and the abundance of junk mail just frustrates me because even though we recycle all our junk mail here at our Evergreen, Co. dwelling , it just seems to me there has to be a better way to do business.
Surprisingly this week I did receive a magazine I don’t mind greeting me at the mailbox. I think it is one that deserves to spend sometime in households and there is a mobile version as well. It was the latest edition of my hometown chamber of commerce business and tourism guide “Explore Evergreen”. On the cover , five feature photos were laid out with the one shown above. Thirty one others were sprinkled about the publication and complimented nicely written articles or tidbits about Evergreen.
I have contributed photography for the magazine for well over ten years. It gives me a sense of pride to help show off our mountain community and offer my services. I am offered a stipend for my contributions for which I am grateful but the small-talented staff of EasyChair Media who contracts to organize, create and distribute the publication is well aware I have many more hours invested than what I get back monetarily. And that’s just fine with me.
Local writers Jo Ann Colton, Jane DeJonghe and Wendy Burt-Thomas also spend countless hours researching, whittling and eventually delivering great words to the pages.
We are all proud of our community and honored to share its splendor.
P.S. If you are interested in more information about Evergreen check out the online version.
Wendy Burt-Thomas Said —
February 19th, 2015 at 5:06 pmThanks for the kind words, Eric. You always contribute such beautiful photos to truly showcase the region!