Archive for the ‘Environment’ Category

Colorado Design Talent Recognized

March 10th, 2015

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Colorado Design Talent Recognized

A special thanks to Elaine St. Louis, Art Director for Colorado Homes & Lifestyles, for an uplifting and challenging assignment photographing winners of the magazine’s Circle of Excellence. The Colorado Homes & Lifestyles Circle of Excellence Awards honor individuals who have had especially significant careers in residential design in Colorado. Winners included Don Ruggles, D.H. Ruggles […]


Pause and enjoy

February 27th, 2015

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Pause and enjoy

I suppose like most photographers something will occasionally catch your eye allowing you to stop, pause for a moment and analyze what it is you are seeing that totally intrigued you. The temperature at daybreak hovered near zero degrees Fahrenheit. Overnight ice crystals formed on an outside door. As I went outside to fill up […]


Missing the Winged Ones

April 13th, 2014

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Missing the Winged Ones

Spring like all the seasons has special meaning to all of us. It’s  a time of intent. New beginnings, rebirths and regeneration. The initiation of a new cycle. And it too, has it’s smells and sounds. One event in particular defines spring for me. Like they have for centuries, the majestic Sandhill and Whooping cranes, […]