A special thanks to Elaine St. Louis, Art Director for Colorado Homes & Lifestyles, for an uplifting and challenging assignment photographing winners of the magazine’s Circle of Excellence. The Colorado Homes & Lifestyles Circle of Excellence Awards honor individuals who have had especially significant careers in residential design in Colorado. Winners included Don Ruggles, D.H. Ruggles […]
Spring like all the seasons has special meaning to all of us. It’s a time of intent. New beginnings, rebirths and regeneration. The initiation of a new cycle. And it too, has it’s smells and sounds. One event in particular defines spring for me. Like they have for centuries, the majestic Sandhill and Whooping cranes, […]
I just had the pleasure of participating in an photographic invitational gallery showing this weekend at the University of Northern Colorado honoring one of my professors . It was called The Dennis Morimoto 47 Invitational. The most impressive part of that title is the 47. My professor Dennis Morimoto dedicated 47 years of teaching, enlightening and inspiring […]
My better half thinks Valentines Day is an absurd event. “Commercialization at its finest”, she rails. So, the question virtually every year is how do I show my wife I love her. Oh, I can humor her with a crazy or sentimental card. But forget the flowers ( “they just die and fade away” ). […]
After bagging a couple of days at the 2013 Aspen Winter X Games I have found a lot of great faces and garb to go along with action on the hill.
Viewing full moons at 8000 feet provide lots of entertainment. Often they creep slowly up over the crest of Kinder Mountain east of the house creating mysterious silhouettes. Other times the lunar glow can be so intense that night hikes or snowshoeing are better illuminated than if one had a headlamp. We had a full […]
When I travel I often do a lot of walking just to familiarize myself with a city or a region. For many years I would go for a run when I would get to a city or town and quickly get a feel for the area. It’s always a great way to learn about a […]
Like with many creative businesses being a professional photographer requires you to keep your name out there in front of clients or potential business contacts. We all know that is a number one priority. Well, I have failed miserably in that chapter of the independent business owner’s manual 101 the past few months . I […]
Spring officially started this past weekend here in Evergreen. We generally don’t go by the calendar but by the arrival of the first Western bluebirds and the American robin.Both made their majestic debut yesterday, the bluebird atop a fine Douglas fir and the reddish-orange chested robin holding steadfast on a large pine branch back-lit by […]
I am generally not a superstitious person but I do pay attention on Fridays especially if the date is thirteen. There are three Friday the 13th’s this year and I have managed to get through two of them. February’s I don’t recall much but yesterday I will remember even though there were no mishaps.It was […]