Writers block and a whole lot more

July 1st, 2011

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Like with many creative businesses being a professional photographer requires you  to keep your name out there in front of clients or potential business contacts. We all  know that is a number one priority.

Well, I have failed miserably in that chapter of  the independent business owner’s manual 101 the past few months .  I don’t have any real excuse and I should know better. Shame on me.  That being said, here are a few reasonable explanations  that actually have happened to me in the course of the past few months that hampered my postings. You can have a chuckle over one or more of them and be confident in knowing I will be scrambling to make a serious effort to get back to planet earth.

• Writer’s block-I had good momentum going into late January but then the brain locked up

• Heavy editing- After covering Winter X Game 15 in Aspen I had several buckets of images to process, caption and keyword ( more like several thousand images)

• Shoulder surgery- I put off shoulder surgery until the NFL season was finished. A week after covering Winter X  Dr. Paul Hautamaa rebuilt my left shoulder. With my left hand and arm securely strapped to my mid-section, editing those buckets full of images came to a screeching halt. I did muster up enough dexterity with my left index finger to help type with the other hand. It did however resemble something like a one-fingered pianist."Sidelined"

• Building a new photo archive-Since January I have been collaborating with Ben Hays, Eighth Floor Creative, on a new photo archive and photo licensing site for the World Triathlon Corporation called Endurapix.

• General contractor and laborer- I have been struggling along for nearly two years remodeling my deceased father’s condominium in Lakewood, CO. Time, money, schedule coordinating and the will to rip things apart and put them back together has made this venture  a project  of skill, determination and patience.


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